
Caja Tonta.

Ella: Uhh si ya tengo como 9 años de estilista, asi que no te preocupes eeh, estas en buenas manos....
Yo: (fingido como la verga) jejeje ok....
Ella: bla bla bla bla bla, mi hija tiene el pelo como tu, bla bla bla bla no tienes hermanas mujeres? bla bla bla bla tienes mucho pelo, bla bla bla a mi hija se le hace mas chino, sabes como? como el anuncio ese de las pizzerolas donde...
Yo: La verdad, casi no veo la tele.


Enormemente satisfactorio y prolongado maldito silencio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

… Unbelievable , but I just found software which can do all hard work promoting your dieeggo.blogspot.com website on complete autopilot - building backlinks and getting your website on top of Google and other search engines 1st pages, so your site finally can get laser targeted qualified traffic, and so you can get lot more visitors for your website.

YEP, that’s right, there’s this little known website which shows you how to get to the top 10 of Google and other search engines guaranteed.

I used it and in just 7 days… got floods of traffic to my site...

…Well check out the incredible results for yourself -

I’m not trying to be rude here, but I believe when you find something that finally works you should share it…

…so that’s what I’m doing today, sharing it with you:


Take care - your friend George